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Rich and Poor

If you live according to Nature, you will never be poor

If you live according to opinion, you will never be rich

Seneca : Letters from a Stoic Pg.23

Nature does not hurry...still everything gets done ...Leo Babauta

Natural desires are also Hunger, Thirst

Once we are sated, desire comes down;

On contrary, take the man-made superfluities , like the modern economy

Growth , growth and growth - everyone chasing growth...

quarter -on-quarter; year-on-year;

Seneca says that "False has no limits"

we are chasing facades - illusion - mirage -

the misleading desire that I will be happy when i get there

- like trying to touch the horizon;

"There is succession in your desires ;

for one begins where its predecessor end" Says Seneca

Maria Popova talks about two temporal models in blog post : Marginalian :

Chronos and Kairos - Linear and Cyclical respectively

Nature works in Cyclical mode - Birth and Death, Seasons;

We humans forget that cyclical mode! 

- we can think in Linear mode only -everything as Linear , if not exponential progression with time;


Why do i keep forgetting that I am part of the Nature as well and that the Law of Kairos holds good for me

- like for Plants and Animals


Live according to Nature - Things come in cycles - Problems-Solutions;



Live according to Nature; Live within Limits;

everything in moderation and nothing to the extremes!



Maria Popova      



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