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Showing posts from November, 2012

Interesting reads of the Week

Steve Jobs never ceases to inspire….This may be the 30 th time I  heard or read this speech On how to deliver Peak Performance :

Interesting Reads of the Week:

“It is not fun to work for someone”….This post tells you how to excel in your current job irrespective of whether you like it or not: “Definition of Work”…This post talks about why work is not Work when you are involved in something you love

My experiments with To-Do List

I have used some form of To-Do list for professional & personal chores for sometime now. The primary reason was because I have a failing memory and I ended being tardy most of the times. The secondary reason of the To-Do list is the sheer number of different things that I needed to keep up with .The task ranging from ones that  would talk a minute or two (calling a friend for information, Paying the annual insurance premium etc.,) to complex projects such as finding a school for my kid…(My wife is going to kick me for this as I did not move an inch towards this !). Thirdly, I get into an emotional high for reason that I cannot when I tick the items on the To-Do list I started with the To-Do list being written on a piece of paper mostly in the office. While this  helped me to stay focused on doing the things for the day, I felt something missing. While I ended up doing tasks, I found being tired after each task. The reason, as I found it later, was because I usually ended up