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Showing posts from September, 2012

Multi-tasking?..Think Again!!!

According to Wikipedia Multitasking is defined as following “In Computing, multitasking   is a method where multiple tasks, also known as   processes , are performed during the same period of time .   In the case of a computer with a single CPU, only one task is said to be   running   at any point in time, meaning that the CPU is actively executing instructions for that task ” . The same holds true for human beings as well. An individual can actually perform only one task effectively at a given instant of time as long as we possess a single brain!!!             In my humble opinion, Multitasking in human beings actually reduces effectiveness especially in the Work environment, where more and more people take pride in the capability to Multi-task. The reason can be learnt again from the Computing world. As Multitasking happens, transition from one task to the next happens through   context switch . For example, say you are busy typing an email when a colleague drops by your des

Own the BMW

“We chase money at the cost of health in the first half of life and vice versa in the second” ...Anonymous  Too often, we often use the term “Wealth” interchangeably with Money. There are two other forms of Wealth that are more important than Money…namely the Body & Mind. Body & Mind Wealth ( BMW  for short) is the key to our personality development. However, in the speed age of today BMW is getting short changed in our quest of busy-ness. You may ask, “Well, What do I need to do now?”…All you would need to do is this …”Spend ½ hour per day on toning up your body & another ½-hour on toning up your mind”. I can see quite a few raised eyebrows after reading the previous line. I always thought I don’t have time for exercise these due to constraints of work / family. But, all I am just going to say is this “You ought to find the time…because as they say in the Corporate world…”Priorties!!! Ladies& Gentlemen”.  The return-on-investment in building the BMW is too g

"Cool Down: Getting Further by Going Slower "..Book review

Cool Down: Getting Further by Going Slower by   Steve Prentice ( John Wiley & Sons ) It happened by chance for me to read the book “ Cool Down : Getting Further by Going Slower”. As blasphemous as it may sound in today’s world, the author propounds the concept of being “Slow” in the current world where Speed is everything. The central premise of the book  is as following : 1)     “Work expands to fill the available time” .The more you are wired the more you work… 2)     “We are like a lamp store…where everything is on all the time”….The only result is a burnout 3)     “Law of Diminishing Returns is real”…your 60 hour work week does not always yield 60 hours of productivity In essence, people are really losing the “thinking” time in the urge to do the things and act in Silos. So, the author proposes the following solutions: 1)     Stay away from the Infomania (Information overload). For example,When you want to focus on something important, inform the require