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Showing posts from June, 2013

The Snowball effect

                   Wikipedia defines the snowball effect as following :” A Process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming larger (graver, more serious), and also perhaps potentially dangerous or disastrous (a vicious circle), though it might be beneficial instead (a virtuous circle)”                   You can easily identify the snowball effect with respect to your thought process…..Say something is disturbing your mind…like the pending debt. The mind depending on who you are, would start this ball rolling by adding consequences to the scenario of not paying up the debt resulting in a disturbed feeling of helplessness. The next time something or someone is bothering you, stop at once to think if you are gathering the mental snowball. At that point you got to stop your thoughts on the issue and instead focus on the action…for example to identify the ways to clear up your debt. And this is not easy…but at the least the self-awareness

Traffic Thoughts...

I like travelling...especially from East to West and I do it daily ! I am talking about my home to office commute (Bangalore East to Bangalore West). In the melee of the commute,I need to retain my sanity .Therefore I resort to Thinking...Most of the one-liners below keep coming at me with regular recurrence during the commute. If you find them inane,I would blame it on the traffic 1. Driving in India is easy…You just need to know Mind-reading followed by Telepathy 2. “Experience is the accumulation of mistakes that you do not repeat”…heard from a Colleague 3. You can find craters on Moon and on Mysore Road 4. It does not matter if you are on fast track or slow track as long as you are on the right track 5. Priorities Change…Purpose does not 6. Every road has a speed and every person 7. If you love what you do, you need not chase money …moneybags will chase you 8. Sail your boat on the Ocean called Life with Purpose as the beacon 9. If you are not motivated by what y

Risk and Reward ? Is it?

In the financial world ,Risk and reward is a well known term used for evaluation the return on investment.The general percept is that Higher the risk ,Higher the return.This is also true   about our Life in many ways as can be seen in the following real life examples                 Sachin Tendulkar, the finest batsman of the modern era made his International Cricket debut at the ripe young age of 16                 Warren Buffett ,the iconic investor started investing in stocks at age of 11 and he thinks he started investing too late!                 Srinivasa Ramanujan, the mathematical genius without formal training displayed tremendous math skills even at the age of 11 We all know that these folks attained the pinnacle in their respective fields, which is purely high reward in the financial parlance.In terms of the effort,as seen by the layman, Tendulkar,Buffett & Ramanujan took tremendous risk. If you personally ask them how they took the risk, they might as we

Breathe !

As I go through the jogging routine each day, I can feel the breathing pattern setting in after the initial lap. As any trained runner will tell , you need to be first aware of your breathing process & then control it to stay longer in the race. This is not only true for racers but also for each one of us who want to stay longer in the life race ! In modern day life, as we rush through each activity we forget to breath effectively. The result is shallow & quick breathing. Shallow breathing means we are not taking in enough oxygen & eliminating enough carbondioxide.As a result,our body is oxygen starved and a toxic build-up occurs. This results in a vicious cycle of Stress & lack of breathe and vice versa… One solution is learning the Pranayama in Yoga (Breathing exercise). It is a proven exercise that provides you with rejuvenation. The second solution is to take up a physical exercise for a long enough time in a sitting (!!!!) that will impact your breathing pa