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Showing posts from December, 2012

Stand & Stare

One of the constraints that is becoming rigid with each day in this modern world is the tick of the Clock. Literally, speed is becoming everything from Corporates to the layman. The cost of speed is such that Folks have lost patience for the time it takes the laptop to boot-up! While speed is essential, it is also essential to stop & stare where we are at frequent intervals. This is to make sure we are not speeding in a reverse direction at break-neck pace. You may ask “You are stating the obvious, but  what about the solution?” …The solution lies in Relaxation. For most of us, Relaxation is something that we associate with vacation at an exotic location. On the other hand,Relaxation is an everyday act…Let us look at some of the aspects of the relaxation in Daily life. Waking up: How do you wake up everyday? If it is by alarm clock that blares in your ear, it is probably not the best way. Sleeping is the act where the body is at rest & mind is purging out the “cache” t

Interesting Reads of the week

We do not Do not because we do not Know…We do not Do because we are lazy,we are afraid …An article on the  Know-Do gap: While I am not a diehard fan of Rajinikanth,I like Rajini for his humility & off-screen demeanor …please check the comments in this column for a great piece of comment by Venkatraghavan  Srinivasan:

Lessons for Life from Work

While it is not always fun to work for somebody, Life in the Corporate world teaches you many lessons that can equip you with a personality to even start on our own. Dealing with People: Irrespective of a person’s   level, Work life provides  lot of opportunities to work with People. More often than not, the faster a person learns to work with others the faster will be the growth in the ladder. Knowing yourself:     Like it or not, you are bound to get a lot of feedback. When you spend some years, you are likely to generate enough feedback that is going to impact the way you approach the things to do in a different perspective. In this process, if you become self-aware   you can learn to tackle even the negative feedback that you would receive. Knowing  Others:  You are bound to meet a lot of Cranks(according to yourself) on the way. Unfortunately, these people are going to decide your growth. So ,It is necessary to learn the art of “Expectation Management”. As far as I know

Random Thoughts

·          Learning is science.Practice is an art. ·          Art at its most basic level is science. Science at the most advanced level is an art. ·          Work = anything that you either want to do less of or do  solely for the financial benefit…Tim Ferriss, The 4-hour Workweek ·          Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your prioritiesand go to work… H. L. Hunt ·          Work is about daily meaning as well as daily bread; for  recognition as well as cash; in short, for a sort of life rather than a Monday-through-Friday sort of dying.…We have a right to ask of work that it include meaning, recognition, astonishment and life.  Studs Terkel ,  Working ·          In the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a  meaningful life. And it is very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work. Perhaps, then you might gain that rare tranquility that comes from knowing that you've had a hand in cr

So, What is the reason today?

                I used to have a patchy exercise routine.Too often, I will be a regular in the morning  exercise continuously over a week. And then what follows will be a lull of week or two.And then it starts all over. As is the case always, I went into analysis of why this issue is recurrent.                 The primary reason, of course, I was never a fitness zealot. I would have never passed out of school if Physical exercise wa a mandatory course. But I guess, at least 90% of us would fall in that category of not being passionate about Physical routine. The second but a more important reason was the Day itself. What I mean by that is, whether I would go for an exercise for the day depended on what laid ahead during the day. So, If the day was light, in terms of professional or personal commitments,like a weekend, I would invariably opt for the Physical exercise. If the day was heavy(in my perception), I would often blame on the climate outside or the lack of time and would