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Showing posts from January, 2015


Imagine yourself wearing an oxygen mask and drowning underwater (tethered!)… there there is the whole new universe all around you. Your focus just upon the new found blueness around you…Your focus just on fishes swarming around …Your focus just upon the beauty of the Coral reef…Your focus just upon the refracted rays of sunshine through the water… Altogether, an wonderful glimpse of this new world made possible due to the uninterruption from world above!!!   Now think of another form of immersion in a different world,your Mind... Meditate…Find a calm place…Sit in a comfortable posture that suits you…Close your eyes…Focus on your breathe…an inhale that fills your lungs and exhale that empties your stomach…Just feel the coolness of the air…Your thoughts begin to wander away from your breathe…Don’t worry…make sure to bring back your thoughts on your breathe…even if it is just for a couple of minutes… Now, Think of the most simplest of Tasks that you got to do next…Immerse in it.

Quotable quotes!

Magic is, Action that followed deep thought !!! Keep Learning,  Keep Creating,  Keep Sharing ! Be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others …Chetan Bhagat ; On being successful , David Foster Wallace , Commencement address  : Worship power, you will end up feeling weak and afraid, and you will need ever more power over others to numb you to your own fear. Worship your intellect, being seen as smart, you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out. But the insidious thing about these forms of worship is not that they're evil or sinful, it's that they're unconscious. They are default settings. They're the kind of worship you just gradually slip into, day after day, getting more and more selective about what you see and how you measure value without ever being fully aware that that's what you're doing. And the so-called real world will not discourage you from operating on your default

A Wonderful day!

Each day begins as an empty container! It is up to us how we would like to fill it!

Splash and Stillness

Imagine our mind as a still water….Problems that we face like the pebbles thrown at it. When encountered with a problem, Mind becomes disturbed with waves of thoughts floating as ripples. A pebble when thrown in a vast lake seems to create a not-so-big impact . However the same pebble dropped in a small bowl would create enough splash (tsunami in a teacup!)…So the answer seems to lie in the expanse….be it the lake or for our mind! A narrow mind reacts to the problems, while an expansive mind responds to the problems without over reacting or under-reacting. We all can develop this expansive mind….through the 3S: Silence: Meditate for 2 minutes: Choose a calm place and take deep breathes in and out, being observant of mind wandering… Stillness: Spend time to read everyday ; This will prompt you to read and think even more Solitude: Spend some time thinking everyday…Think alone, intimately with who you are at the core Develop a mind like water!


Life is all about applied mindfulness it to eating or dealing with money! On Mindful eating You don’t need to diet…You need to be conscious by following the below four rules: Eat when you’re hungry! Eat exactly what your body wants Eat each bite consciously Stop when your body has had enough                                                 - Diets don’t work by Bob Schwartz On Financial Independence You got to identify for yourself , what you need as opposed to what you want, what spending brings you fulfillment as against depletion, what represents “enough” to you without feeling deprived.                                                 -Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin

It Takes Time!

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take of accomplish it…Time will pass anyway …Earl Nightingale

The Road Taken!

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;                                                             ……………………                                                             …………………..                                                             ………………….. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.                                                                                                                                                                  - The Road Not Taken …Robert Frost We will be at cross-roads at some point in our life where we have t

New year resolutions that will stick!

We are already into the critical part of the new year! I mean this with respect to the New year resolutions…what was a glossy poster of larger-than-life image of our self  that we envisioned just last week would have started peeling off the wall right this week! Before you start cursing me for speaking so pessimistically …  I will jump right into what we got to do with our new resolutions… Here is my 3-step approach to make New year resolution to stick: Step 1:   What do you want to do in the New year? … As an example , here goes the classic ..”I want to slim out this new year” …no worry about this  step we are all excellent at this! Step 2:  Why do you want to do Step 1? What is the bigger purpose ? For the weight loss example , your purpose should not be that “I want to impress my neighbor”…your resolution is not going to last because the neighbor may change homes! It should be an ideal that you want yourself to live up to...such as “Healthy life” , "Disease fr

PaPa Principle!

Today is not a preparation for tomorrow…Today is the main event…. Leo Babauta According to Tim Ferriss (author of “The 4-Hour Work week”) , the only productivity tip you will ever need is this : “Take an A-4 sheet paper…Fold the sheet into 4 such that it can be tucked into your shirt pocket…Now write an important task that you got to do …and then…start doing it right now !!!” While this productivity tip(!!!) sounds simplistic , it is too profound and works out absolutely amazingly because of the following two principles that it encapsulates… Pa reto Principle (also called 80-20 Rule) : Only 20% of our activities produce more than 80% of results…In our productivity tip, we did just that …we just chosen one activity that we considered important as an activity that is absolutely required! Pa rkinson Principle : “Work expands to fill the Time available”…stated as a corollary, set yourself incredibly tight deadline to compete the  work , otherwise you wallow i

Fill your bucket daily!

source : We are all a bundle of energy…literally! Through the day ,we use up our personal energy in different dimensions such as Physical , Mental  and Emotional energy forms… Physical energy :  is the most basic and most important form of energy…It is determined by the quality our Sleep, Nutrition and Exercise …In this modern era of speed, all the three get relegated to the back-burner! The result is tiredness , poor physique and stress… Mental energy  :   The amount of mental energy that we possess at any point during the day determines our ability to focus and concentrate on the given task at hand…Again, in this age of multi-tasking, Urge and distraction take precedence over focus and pause causing mental energy leak leading to stress… Emotional energy :  Emotions determine who we are! We feel the best when we exhibit a positive energy and feel the worst when we are frustrated …leading to anxiousness, insecurity and impatience! Needless to say, W

The urge, the rush and cure

Rush and Distraction are the two main jarring notes in our day…As we rush through our daily life, falling prey to our momentary urges, one after another , rushing through to complete the chores mindlessly…all we feel is an incoherent noise playing throughout the day…. Fortunately there seems to be a cure !!! Playing a different set of keys … Key 1: FOCUS: Set up a time limit just for 2 minutes…(if you are on a computer , use ) . Clear all distractions and just focus on the Task on hand! Immerse yourself in the task, if you will...In other word, make this task your universe for the next 2 minutes only! Key 2: PAUSE : After the undistracted focus…Pause for a minute…just ruminate on the completed task.Breathe ! One caution : Be aware not to press the jarring keys:  RUSH & DISTRACTION! Practice the FOCUS and PAUSE Keys through the day again and again; Like learning the Keyboard…it takes time and practice…If you are at it daily, you  will be