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Showing posts from August, 2023

Poor and Wealthy

Who is Poor? Who is Wealthy? Seneca Who is Poor? A man who craves for more ; A man that does not reckon past gains , but of gains to come A man that, despite his own wealth in warehouses and safes, covets neighbor's property Who is Wealthy? One who is content With what is necessary and what is enough One that can distinguish among - Necessity, Luxury and Superfluity Authors Seneca      


  It is for superfluous things for which men sweat! Seneca What is law of Nature?  Are'nt Hunger Thirst and Cold the necessities, and rest is superfluity? Yes Says Seneca Courting with powerful, Submitting to their stern frown or their kindness, dashing up the foreign shores, or going for campaigning - all are superfluity- that are barely hanging threadbare-   For that which is enough is already in our hands Motto should be "Live according to Nature" Authors Seneca       

Fool's Life

  Fool's life is empty of gratitude and full of fears; Its course wholly lies towards the future - Epicurus This is a classic reminder to the gap and the gain - count your gains- that you have attained and have feeling of enough, for fortune is fickle , and you should not depend on it Whatever your effort, the success of future - depends on Luck - Yeah! Then be contended - Be have the feeling of enough Seneca Says " Lucilius, remind yourself , How many ambitions have you attained? Continuously- Think of how many are behind you and thank the gods - and be grateful for your past life- if you do so- you have outstripped the millions of others. But what have you to do with others? You have outstripped yourself" Count your gains! and have gratitude to everyone! Authors Seneca Epicurus      

Rich and Poor

If you live according to Nature, you will never be poor If you live according to opinion, you will never be rich Seneca : Letters from a Stoic Pg.23 Nature does not hurry...still everything gets done ...Leo Babauta Natural desires are also Hunger, Thirst Once we are sated, desire comes down; On contrary, take the man-made superfluities , like the modern economy Growth , growth and growth - everyone chasing growth... quarter -on-quarter; year-on-year; Seneca says that "False has no limits" we are chasing facades - illusion - mirage - the misleading desire that I will be happy when i get there - like trying to touch the horizon; "There is succession in your desires ; for one begins where its predecessor end" Says Seneca Maria Popova talks about two temporal models in blog post : Marginalian : Chronos and Kairos - Linear and Cyclical respectively Nature works in Cyclical mode - Birth and Death, Seasons; We humans forget that cyclical mode!  - we can t

Being happy with what we have

  We're never happy with what we have, we want what others have too;  Ryan Holiday - Ego is the Enemy Prof. Laurie Santos teaches wildly popular course "The science of happiness " in Coursera! one important concept that prof. Santos talks is - about absolute vs relative coordinates . She states that reason for unhappiness stems relative comparison of our self with others! Let me take my case - the way my professional career started- To where I am today - leading team; On absolute coordinates, I should be very very happy today , given where I started. i should feel arrived. but what is the reality ? i end up comparing myself to others- one who runs faster than me and feeling unhappy ! Mukund! Don't - Feel arrived! "The word "euthymia" is the one we should think more often: sense of our own path and how to stay on it without getting distracted by all others" Ryan Holiday Authors Ryan Holiday       Mukund

Point of Enough

  Yes, But I have something he will never have ...Enough" pg. 39 Psychology of Money Moran Housel "At a party given by a billionaire, Kurt Vonnegut informs his pal, Joseph Heller that their host, a hedge fund manager, earned more money in a single day, than earned from his wildly popular novel 'Catch-22' over its whole history. Heller responded "Yes , But I have something he will never have ...Enough" Say you are going to a 5-star hotel - it serves an extravagant buffet- 100s of dishes- you are hungry - you eat and eat - at some point the appetite comes down - mind gives up. you cannot eat more - is it not? because , body has a control system - closed loop - that signals that it has had enough ;    I wish we have such a closed loop mechanism when it to dealing with money, fame , position and material pleasures! In the book, Your Money or Your Life , author Vicki Robin helps us to identify the point of "Enough" , when it comes to Money. the conce

Gap and Gain

  What does it matter how much a man had laid in his safe, or in his warehouse, how large his flocks, how big his dividends, if he covets his neighbor's property, and reckons not his past gains, but his hopes of gains to come -Seneca I am reminded of the concept of Gap and Gain - by James Hardy and Dan Sullivan. I am always thinking of my gaps - in position, fame , money in comparison to others; I am not counting the gains received but busy computing the gaps to pray for! If i heap my riches I have , i should be satisfied with what I have compared to where I started.   I keep missing the " Enough " point! when shall i be satisfied and contented ?   Ozan Varol talks about this in his blog post :  an hungry stomach , gets satiated - Body knows it! when to stop! but I don't know yet when to stop!!! As if holding a bottomless bowl 😉 praying for more! Stop craving for more ; My wishlist seems to be infinite!   I have to be satisfied even years before! Let me move into a

Wise man and a Fool

What the wise man knows in the beginning, a fool learns in the end Warren Buffet "In the name of necessity, we are employed laying up treasure which moth and rust will corrupt and thieves will break through and steal. At the end of it , we all find out, I lived a fool's life" Thoreau I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach , and not , when i came to die, discover that I had not lived! - Thoreau Wise and Wisdom means knowing in beginning - if not everything - at least something - a blueprint - so to speak - Learn from History! Authors Henry David Thoreau Warren Buffet      

Cease to Hope

  Cease to hope and you shall cease to fear - Seneca Just like the chain that fastens the prisoner to the police, Hope and Fear go in lock step; Fear follow Hope - a mind that is in state of suspense A mind that is always "looking forward to" A mind that sends our thoughts long way ahead And the foresight becomes the bane While the hindsight recalls the torture of Fear Present along becomes the salve I am getting an idea here - about how to be attached detached; For example - keep doing without expectations - showcase, talent , fame ,position - Being Someone! rather to do something as John Boyd Says; aim to become rich , not for the money alone , but the persona you become along the way Do not hope - Hope is not a strategy -someone said! Keep building knowledge and sharing along the way! it will burst open as opportunities! This is my contrarian strategy - I should say! it is my way! Authors Seneca      

Find one's own way

  I would have each one be careful to find out and pursue his own way and not his father's or mother's or his neighbor's instead ...Henry David Thoreau,,,Walden. Like the sailor, who needs the pole star - to be a sufficient guide - each one of us need to find our own "North Star". Finding our North star- purpose - is the truest course to Life. It is the same analogy as map and compass - you need the map to find where you are first and then the compass to guide us and arrive at our port - many a time we do not have the Map - we do not know where we are- we are truly lost Condition of human mind - lost in thought - says Eckhart Tolle .    No worry. If you don't have a map - pick some map - Hold the north star - move - with purpose ; you shall find the terrain Which map to pick you may ask ? - i am reminded of Alain De Boton's - The school of Life - Journey of self-discovery It has 5 islands that we as human have to traverse and discover - for himself/hers

Life Energy

  Cost of a thing is the amount of what I call Life which is to be exchanged for it, immediately or in long run Walden In the book , "your Money or your Life" , Vicki Robin talks about the concept of Life Energy; we are all exchanging our Life time for Money ; so lesser the needs, lower the Money required More the control you have on your time! And more the Life! Typically we measure the other way, How much money will have I have in Future? Rather we need to measure Life Energy: How much of Dollars or Rupees that I need per hour To expense my life! measured in $ rate per hour in the Present Authors Henry David Thoreau Vicki Robin       

Philosophy leads to Sound mind

Philosophy leads to a sound mind- that blunts blows of chance beyond belief! Seneca , Letters from a Stoic! Seneca says that " Throw all hindrances away, give up all your time to getting a sound mind" What is a sound mind? A mind that reflects on Self A mind that defines Principles A mind that regulates conduct in the Present A mind that reflects in the Hindsight And continually adjusts and Tinkers The Human Machine called Body-Brain-Intellect-Ego   Create an Habit of the Mornings dedicated to Principle of the Day dedicated to Conduct of the Evenings reflecting upon the Day   Such a sound mind in sound body will face the problems, impediments and nuisances Take them as raw material and convert them into Accomplishments! Authors Arnold Bennett Seneca      

Philosophy Offers Counsel

Philosophy offers counsel to Man! -Seneca Everyone is restless: Death calls away one man! Poverty chafes another! Someone worried by neighbor's wealth! Another worried by own wealth! Someone afraid of bad luck! All of them leads to restlessness To such a man, Philosophy offers counsel Through clear light of Truth To Live according to Nature! For she has demarcated necessary from superfluity Live not according to opinions That waver, hither and Thither Live according to Nature Spending your limited time here , on Necessities! And not on frivolous Superfluity! Authors Seneca