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Showing posts from September, 2014

Your Money or Your Life : Post 2

In the previous post, Your Money or Your Life -Post1  we saw how Vicki Robin explains our relationship with our Money as it occurs in the past.   In the current post, we will see our Money relationship in the present… So,What is Money ?as viewed from different altitudes… At the “pedestrian” level, Money is a physical device simply to exchange goods and services… At the “sky scraper” level, Money has an emotional connect…Who am I when it comes to Money? Generous? Cautious? Miser?  Impulsive? At the “City level”, Money takes the cultural connection…say you are going to your college alumini meeting …How do you judge yourself? …paycheck relative to your friends…number of houses that you own…Car that you drive… All the above perspectives have very limited use to an individual and in fact it is harmful….why ? because it is external to the individual & mostly in comparison with others. That is where In YMYL, there is one more perspective that the authors introduc

Your Money or Your Life : Post 1

Money… Money… Money ! Ever since the barter system was replaced with coins, paper and plastic forms as a means of “I owe you” , the primary focus of man shifted from Life to Money….That is what this book is all about…. ”Your Money or Your Life” . Read carefully the title again…the conjunction used is or, not an and .  There are zillions of books in the world with a nicely laid out glossy cover promising yo make you rich overnight through esoteric advice on “Learn to Earn”, asking you to use mind trick to “Think and grow rich” or by providing false advice of getting rich through “jackpot” real-estate deals…”Your Money or Your Life” is surely not such a book…In fact , I would go to the extent of saying ….if you were to read only one book in your life….this should be it….why? …because it  allows you to take charge of your Life A book on money that talks about the fulfillment  & sustainment !!! Authors Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez , in the very first chapter of YMYL talk

5 minute commitment!

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force …Newton’s First Law of Motion Early morning….The alarm rings…the outstretched hand from the bed reaches out in search  for the “snooze” button in the nightstand. But this is no ordinary alarm clock to search for the snooze button…this is Clocky …an innovative alarm clock designed by an MIT student ,Gauri Nanda. You set “Clocky” at night like your regular clock . When alarm goes off in the morning, it starts moving all around the room and you have to run behind it! …No kidding …this is a true product that is a super duper hit! Getting Started is one of the fundamental issues that a mortal faces…be it to Waking up early or  Starting an house-cleaning exercise, Going out for daily exercise, Clearing of the debt  mountain …whatever.. most of us know it is all important…but the problem is, the inertia of being at rest is so