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Showing posts from November, 2023

Gap and Gain

Gap and Gain Dan Sullivan How is your brain tuned? 🧠 Gap or Gain Mindset ? So Gap mindset looks like this:     ðŸ§      Start ⇔  Achieved ⇔ Ideal                       Measure Gain Mindset looks like this: 🧠     Start ⇔  Achieved ⇔ Ideal       Measure As you can see , Gap mindset , leads to frustration as we keep measuring against ideal And Ideal the goalpost, keeps changing! On other hand Gain mindset leads to confidence! Measure your current self against former self!

Chance and Choice

Chance is what you are handed over Choice is what you do with it How do you play a game of dice?  The dice is indifferent - to you or another  How do I know what is going to fall? To use with proper care and skill - whatever does fall that is my business! One tool that helps is the decision making framework : Choice - Chance table : please read this below  This is a fantastic tool to handle the chance effects , if not fully, but at least with confidence!

Cause and Effects

Being Rich, Healthy and Fit are effects. Falling in love with effects won't get them  you need to start working on the cause(s) Keith J Cunningham,  The Road less Stupid If you are not getting the outcome then the cause you are not working upon the right causes  For example, say body weight reduction is the desired outcome: Stepping on the  bathroom scale is  KPI (key performance indicator) lagging metric KPI helps in knowing where you are: but you need to know what will impact your weight?  In case of weight : it is diet and exercise - actual causes that impact will impact weight reduction so start measuring diet consumption - Calorie input and Physical exercise - Calorie burnt measure the causes not the effects to give calculus analogy :  y = f(x) ; weight = f(diet, exercise) Great performers focus on causes :  fantastic performers focus on rate of causes : dx/dt :  improve the rate of performance! 

One Size does not fit all!

  Business is not bath-robe! One size does not fit all!!! Keith J Cunningham The Road less Stupid When you are faced with a situation, do not look for stop-gap  solution - there is not any! so what you need to do is follow  Point A to  Point B approach What is the gap ? What is the obstacle? Problem solving is about 80% diagnosis and discovery- So don't outsource that Make you and your teams think through that!

Symptom and Cause

Separate the problem from the symptom The Road less Stupid Keith J Cunningham Many of us confuse problem with the symptom;   For ex., In fitness , one would say , I am overweight / underweight; but that is a symptom - gap what is the problem? It could be over-eating, lack of exercise or hormonal issue That is the problem - we need to get to the root-cause Gap is not the problem! For example , you need to "kick a can" from point A to Point B current state to future state!  But, there is an obstacle that is the hurdle between point A and Point B  Now that is the  problem!  to get to the problem : you can ask the below questions 1.     What are the possible reasons I am noticing this symptom? 2. What is not happening , if it happens will narrow the gap? 3. What is happening, if it does not happen, would cause gap to disappear?

Find the unasked question

 The Road less stupid pg. 64: Keith J Cunningham In thinking time , don't put statements  as then the mind will trick itself into a fact  and solution may not be forthcoming Instead pose a thinking question towards improvement: Ex., : Our profits suck a wrong way to put it! even asking : How did I land into low profit? or How can Improve it along the way? these are also wrong questions!!! rather : ask yourself :  How can I generate an additional profit of @20K per month? because : a great question has 3 characteristics: 1. Provides insight to the problem that needs addressing 2. Simplifies the problem to make it solvable 3. Provides ideas for ample number of choices to solve or improve the situation!

Avoid Dumb Tax

The Road less stupid Keith J Cunningham Dumb tax can be defined as the loss(es) incurred due to decisions made with erroneous assumptions and emotional reasons; Why to avoid dumb tax?  In life you don't need to be the smartest, you can simply go ahead, if you just avoid dumb taxes;  So how to avoid dumb tax? Set aside 30 to 45 minutes of thinking time: with uninterrupted concentration where  you try to answer your pressing questions 

Quick No , Long Yeah

Quick No , Long Yeah   Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel Prize-winning psychologist, has a rule where he never says yes to anything on the spot. People-pleasing had him making too many commitments. He says something to the effect of: "Thanks for the invite. I don't say yes to anything on the spot, but I'll let you know if I'm interested." Turning the choice into a rule lowers the pain of rejection for others and makes the decision easy for you as well.

Understanding Suffering

  Understanding Suffering Jiddu Krishnamurti Book of Life Can I understand suffering? That should be my problem Not how to be happy I am happy when I am not suffering But the moment I am conscious of it It is not happiness So I must understand What is suffering? Can I understand what is suffering when a part of my mind Is running away seeking happiness Seeking a way out of this misery? So must I not ,if am to understand this suffering Be completely one with it , not reject it not justify it Nit condemn it not compare it But completely be with it And understand it?  My notes; This is classic JK ; There is no antidote; Alternate to a fact No duality Anti-that  Rather to deal with the issue straightforward Face the fact! Fact is I am suffering , miserable  But I then shall need to face it rather than run away!


  Contentment Jiddu Krishnamurti Book of Life We must understand the problem of striving- If we can understand the significance of effort- Then we can translate into action in our daily life- Doe not effort mean to change What is into what is not? Or what should be to what it should become ? We are consistently escaping from what is to transform or modify it He who is truly content is her who understands  what is   True contentment lies not if few or many possessions- But in understanding the whole significance of What is 

Best of Ryan Holiday Podcasts

Best of Ryan Holiday Podcasts Philipp Meyer You have to be careful about to what and whom you’re giving the best part of your day! Sandra Day O’Connor The secret to happiness is work worth doing Adam Grant Ask for a feedback - on 0 to 10 Scale Brad Keselowski If the conditions are always perfect, the average 12-year old Can do my job The problems is that those days are very seldom Can you still show up and perform  When those conditions are’nt perfect? 


Joy is here ,Happiness is here Why do I need to wait for it Some other day, Some other place Its right here ,Its right now! If I am present and alive- and conscious I can feel that Joy is here and now! If I am conscious enough of pendulum swing of mind - backwards and forwards  to the past and the future If i can stick my conscious to  the present hour, minute and second- Then I may feel that Joy is here Happiness is here! As Thoreau in Walden states: “In any weather, at any hour of the day or night,  I have been anxious to improve the nick of time,  and notch it on my stick too;  to stand on the meeting of two eternities,  the past and future,  which is precisely the present moment;  to toe that line.” ―  Henry David Thoreau,  Walden


  Happiness Jiddu Krishnamurti Book of Life At the center of it all, there is the “me” -the “me” that is enjoying That wants more happiness That searches That longs for more happiness It is only when “the me” in all subtle forms Comes to an end that there is a state of bliss That cannot be sought after An ecstasy, a real joy without pain, Without corruption I think there come a ‘creative happiness’ That is not “yours” or “mine” That creative happiness is like sunshine If you want to keep sunshine to yourself It is no longer the clear,warm,life-giving sun!!! Similarly if you want happiness ,because you are suffering  Then that is merely a reaction But when the mind can go beyond ,there there is a happiness That is not of the mind! My notes: Next time, when I say to myself, “I want to be happy” -  Then I need to look for the “me” in that statement The selfishness - in it - that want for happiness Which is not for sharing with all - but to myself only- In that scenario - there is only cor


Asanas are different from exercise Yoga Guru - Dinesh Kumar Exercise can become a movement of the body alone; In Asanas, you need to coordinate your breathing -Inhale and Exhale along with Body movement;  In yoga, Even if you do not get the full movement - posture That is fine, As long as you coordinate breathing  with the body movement!

Highest form of motivation!

Anthony D'Mello Source : James Clear You must cultivate activities that you love You must discover work that you do- not for its utility , but for itself whether it succeeds or not whether you are praised for it or not whether you are loved and rewarded for it or not- whether people know about it and are grateful for it or not- How many activities can you count in your life that you engage in simply because- they delight you and grip your soul? Find them out , cultivate them, for they are your passport to freedom and to love! This above text resonates with below text from the TV series: Mozart in the Jungle You say Amateur as if it was a dirty word. Amateur comes from the Latin word - Amare- Which means to Love - To do things for the love of it ! My notes: To do a thing, just for the love of it And for no other benefits of Utility! That's what you call the highest form of motivation !

Anna Wintour Biography

Courtesy:  @DavidSenra : 1.     Hire Talent as found ,not as needed 2.      Taste is as rare as Unicorn (Develop Taste) 3.     Your employees should describe you as "easy to understand" 4.     If you're not early you're late 5.     Master the terse memo 6.     Read Voraciously 7.     Quality over feelings 8.     Build up your entire Industry and you rise automatically! 9.     Don't try to handle stress - learn to enjoy it - (Eustress!) 10.    Money comes as a result of service  11. Talent routinely makes the mistake of being self-absorbed ,   instead of being of service 12.     The story of father is embedded in the daughter!


 Let a thought 💭 flower 🌸!!! Jiddu Krishnamurti  Book of Life : pg.155 To let a thought flower 🌸 requires attention  and not concentration What  mean by the flowering of thought 💭  Is to give freedom to see what happens, What takes place in your thoughts, in your feelings Anything that flowers must have freedom must have light it cannot be restricted! you cannot put any value on it! you cannot say :  this is right that is wrong !  This should be and that should not be ! thereby limiting the flowering of thought! Therefore if you go into this deeply you will find that this flowering of thought 💭 is the ending of thought 💭!!!

Eternal Pairs

  Differentiate ⇔ Integrate Part ⇔ Whole Root Cause ⇔ Symptoms Divide ⇔ Sum Discretize ⇔ Aggregate Basics ⇔ Expertise Element ⇔Substance Atom ⇔ Universe Means ⇔ Ends Journey ⇔ Destination Micro ⇔ Macro Process <=> Outcomes Focus on the first part ! Second one shall follow!!!