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Showing posts from April, 2013

Break that Monotony !!!

In the busyness of daily life we have perfected the art of Monotony right from when we wake up until we sink back to bed almost unconscious (I mean due to tiredness !) . At some point , Monotony catches up…you could have been incredibly efficient that day …but a sense of “emptiness” fills in…I have not still figured out completely how to break the shackles of daily routine…but I guess I am close to hitting on a solution…”10 Minute Projects” If I ask you , if you have an hour to do an activity to break the routine, I know what you would tell me…a “BIG NO” ….If I ask you if you have 30 minutes, the answer may be a mix of “Yes” and “No”. However , If I am going to ask you if you have 10 minutes, I am sure no one would say a no…So here is my proposal for doing the “10 Minute Projects” arranged in chronological order of a typical day…I hope would help you break the monotony as well as help you form Habits for your lifetime. Here is a sample of “10 Minute Projects”….Not a minute more…N

Think Velocity

On the other day while I was narrating the story of the popular Aesop fable “The Hare and the Tortoise” to my daughter, something sparked in my mind…We all should stop thinking about the speed (Pace)…rather we should think Velocity…What is the difference? Hmmm…You should know the difference if you had passed the 7 th class physics…anyway…here is the refresher, Speed is just the number …like 50 miles/kilometer per hour.  It does not tell in which direction. Velocity is both the number and the direction…50 miles/kilometer per hour towards North. As you can see now, it does not add an iota of value to your life if you travel so fast  in the wrong direction. Many of us do that…we put our money in the wrong investment…we choose to pursue the education in the wrong field ….We chose the wrong job….and the list is endless. It is high time that we think velocity and not Speed alone..because Speed is efficiency, Velocity is effectiveness Speed is Doing the Things right ,Vel