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Fill your bucket daily!

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We are all a bundle of energy…literally! Through the day ,we use up our personal energy in different dimensions such as Physical , Mental  and Emotional energy forms…

Physical energy : is the most basic and most important form of energy…It is determined by the quality our Sleep, Nutrition and Exercise …In this modern era of speed, all the three get relegated to the back-burner! The result is tiredness , poor physique and stress…

Mental energy  :  The amount of mental energy that we possess at any point during the day determines our ability to focus and concentrate on the given task at hand…Again, in this age of multi-tasking, Urge and distraction take precedence over focus and pause causing mental energy leak leading to stress…

Emotional energy : Emotions determine who we are! We feel the best when we exhibit a positive energy and feel the worst when we are frustrated …leading to anxiousness, insecurity and impatience! Needless to say, We got to plug this as well…

So here is  what I propose to you in this new year !....Forget the new year resolutions …pick an habit instead for each of the energy forms above…an habit that you will choose to stick to everyday…

As an  example here is an habit list that you would promise yourself to do daily:

Physical energy replenish habit: Walk with your spouse / friend everyday for at least 30 minutes…

Mental energy replenish habit: Practice meditation…simplest form of this is to practice inhale and exhale of breathe mindfully…just start with 2 minutes exercise

Emotional energy replenish habit: Identifying the triggers of stress…write down the list of triggers that causes the stress in you…and when the trigger occurs, be mindful to catch it…now, practice the habit of deep inhalation and exhalation….

Sounds it not? then why not try?  We all owe it to our self to fill the energy bucket to make our life authentic,productive and meaningful!

1)      Manage your energy, not your time …by Tony Schwartz and Catherine McCarthy ,Harvard business review


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