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What's a new year without resolution?

“I am in competition with no one. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone. I am simply trying to be better than the person I was yesterday”…Anonymous

Dear Reader
Wish you a very Happy 2014…I am sure you would have had a fascinating 2013 and looking forward to another fabulous year !!!

Last year around the same time I had posted on New Year resolution for 2013.  So how does the report card look like? I did well on the Resolutions 1 & 4 (Habit of Physical Exercise & Habit of paying up the Debt). I flunked on Habit of writing (you might have noticed that in the randomness with which I post here) & in staying away from TV & Internet. 2 out of 4 ....

However I am happy overall because : In 2013, the Physical exercise routine has made its way into my daily schedule wherever I am. And it is also so true of my Finance, where I am in a better situation today than in January of 2013. This was possible due to the 4 steps of Habit formation suggested by Leo Babauta: Habit Formation . I have found this process of Habit formation to be incredibly simple yet effective. It works because it shifts the focus away from the Results to the Process of obtaining the results. It works because Habits provide happiness in the now ,instead of deferred happiness. It also works because it provides long-term sustenance framework for life rather than a pursuit that will flame out in first  few weeks.

My 2014 resolutions are not going to be any different from 2013 except that I need to apply the technique of Habit formation in a stricter sense for the following:
1)      Body Wealth
a.        Physical exercise
2)      Family:
a.       Nurture relationship
3)      Mind Wealth
a.        Yoga as Habit
b.      Share thoughts through Writing
4)      Fiscal Wealth
a.       Move closer towards Financial independence
Life is a string of Habits. The only goal is to be a better person than I was yesterday !
Let me know what you think…

Wish you all again a fabulous 2014 !


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