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What do they want?

My learnings from the Corporate:
I have worked in the Corporate World for more than a decade now. It took me  long to understand what the Folks in the "Upper Floors" are looking out for.Following are some of my thoughts
1) Do not go just with the problem, Go with the Solution as well...
              When I used to go with a problem to my ex-boss,his question would be  "So,Mukundhan ...What do you think is the solution for the problem?".I used to get frustrated even infuriated by this question. It took me a while to realize that the purpose of this question was to verify if I had thought enough about the problem.
2) Make your point ...Agree to Disagree... and move on..
            Corporate arena is all about Team sport. A person should be assertive enough to voice his/her opinion. However, if the collective decision is different from yours, you still would be expected to attest to the team decision
3) Do not take it personal...
            Intentional or not, Your ego would definitely be pricked for different reasons. Many a time, I had been in the receiving end of a review that went bad. I used to sulk about it for days together. And then one of the leaders explained it to me…the exercise is all about “Stress testing your code”…just to ascertain how much you have thought about the problem. And, if you had not ,they let you know that…the hard way.It is all professional and nothing personal…(I agree this is a difficult ask!!!”)
4) Be a Professional
            According to Subroto Bagchi there are two criteria to be met by a Professional irrespective of the profession:
A)    A Professional effectively needs no supervison
B)    A Profession certifies the completion of his own work
5) It is not only what you do, but also how you do
            Unless you are running your own enterprise, you should be seen as a Team Guy/Gal.You may have done a cutting edge work. However, in this process, If you had rubbed  your peers/manager on the wrong side you are effectively done in your current job.


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