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Personal Digital Assistant !

In the current era, there is so much din that we lose out doing mundane tasks such a paying the electric bill, renewing the insurance or buying the milk simply because We Simply Forget. If you think its a problem, I would recommend One of the web tools that I follow :

It’s a free web application that helps you to keep track of the things. Sign-up for this application is through your email account. It’s a simple tool that allows you to define a task, set up due date & time ,recurrence ,priority, location ,Tags & Notes.

Key Features :
Web application would start sending reminders to your email account every day. If you think that its too many, you could reduce the frequency of email. Another advantage is that you can share tasks with others. I like this feature which I use for delegating tasks to fellow family members !!! Also, you could tag the tasks based on the task location such as Home, Work, Web, Downtown etc., It helps me to focus on the tasks . For example, while I am in Internet ,I check the tasks that I have under the Tag called Web listed for the week and start doing them as a priority

Some of the benefits that I am getting from rememberthemilk are :
1) I am more focused on the task to the extent of breaking it down to the next physical action
. For ex.,Searching an House for rent would be the task .The sub-tasks would be
i. Identify the broker
ii. Fix the appointments
iii. Visit the houses
iv. Finalize on the house
v. Pay the advance

2) Secondly, It puts a positive pressure on me. I have a daily recurring task on Exercise. It gives me a great feeling I mark the exercise task as completed. On days that I miss out on exercise, It puts a pressure on me as I strike out the task.

3) Finally, It helped me personally because RememberTheMilk helps to cover my ineptitude due to my poor memory retention capacity about which my wife complains too often !!!


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