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Laugh Please

The person had come to the podium and uttered a few words. Then something came over him. For several seconds he loses voluntary control over most of his body.His legs,Arms,Back & Chest tense up. Facial muscles squeezed upwards, stomach muscles & diaphragm spasm.Heart beat raced up, Blood Pressure Spiked. Strangely the audience were also experiencing the same phenomenon. Guess What !!! they were all Laughing....

Laughing is a serious is why its so

Face Time: Whwn we laugh as many as 15 muscles squeeze our face into a smile. Increased bloodflow turns into a bit pinkier and give us a happy glow.Once Laughter is made a habit, You can stop using those fairness creams

Eyes have it: if you laugh vigorously the tear glands activate.The glee of laughter has a cumulative effect till we are literally crying with joy. Tears reduce the stress symptoms...when its due to joy. The caution though is to be aware of where you are. What could be a stress reliever for you due to heavy duty laughter could be stress raiser for the person in the next cubicle

Vocal Point: Our vocal equipment has to roll up its sleeve to produce a hearty guffaw.The diaphragm , a strong muscle under the lungs ,pumps down and up,filling the lungs and blasting the air out of them,up through the voice box. It requires as much effort as Yelling .Because lungs are exchanging more air than normal they enrich the blood with oxygen
Pain Reliever: Laughter seems to have an analgesic effect. In year 1964, A person named Norm Cousins in England was diagnosed with acute case of spodylitis that affected his spine. He was in his bed writhing under pain.Norm came up with an idea.He got a collection of funny movies and asked his nurse to play it for him. he discovered trhat 10 minutes of genuine Belly Laughter gave his 2 hours of pain-free sleep. Laughter worked !!! It worked to an extent that he had to be moved out to a hotel as the fellow patients were disturbed by his Laughs. Ultimately he got back to his full time Job much to the surprise of his Doctors who had doubted his recovery

Belly Laughs: Laughter is like inner jogging. It tooks 10 minutes of rowing to elevate the heart rate to the same level as a Belly laugh.

So its time to laugh. Is it not ? So read on...
A cat was crossing the street with 5 kittens all line up behind her. When they got to the other side a big ferocious dog statrted barking at the Cat & Kittens. The mother cat barked back at the dog and the dog was so shocked he ran away.The mother turned to kittens and told "See, I told you how imortant it is to know a second language"


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