Saturday, September 14, 2024

Plan and Execution


         Plan and Execution

Seneca says this about Plan and Execution:

We can formulate general rules and commit them to writing,
as to what is usually done, or ought to be done ;
not only to our absent friend,
but also to succeeding generations

But no one will advise at long-range
when our plan needs to be carried out;
you must not only be present in the body
but watchful in the mind,
to avail the fleeting opportunity;



Mindset @ Work


         Mindset @ Work

There are different levels of working:

Impact = (Execution * Strategy) * Market

Owner's Mindset : Impact Level
Execution Mindset : Execution Level
Optics Mindset : Showcase Work ; Political Level

When you genuinely care about something, you focus more on impact
than the optics;

What is your default mindset?
develop an owner's mindset as default level to grow!


Shreyas Joshi

Happiness in Loss


         Happiness in Loss

No good thing renders its possessor happy, unless his mind is reconciled to the possibility of loss


Letters from a Stoic

Forune indulges me
and the same fortune can threaten me
Like a calm sea turning into Tsunami
so I need to reconcile my mind to the possibility of loss;

yes that is the sole way to happiness!
so toughen the spirit that is ready to face the mishaps!

That which can be taken away , can be taken away!
That which can go wrong - will go wrong!



End game


         End game

It is bothersome, always beginning to live


Seneca, Letters from a Stoic

they live ill who are alwyas beginning to live;
For example , people postponing their enjoyment to retire life -
and they dont live long enough!

Epicurus says that - we are always planning to live
not living mostly
No execution of the plan!
When it comes to living - its always not Living!
mostly counting , counting and counting!

As Thoreau says:
In the end it becomes a Fool's life - to realize at the end that
I have not lived at all!

So Seneca gives a remedy for the malaise:
"We must make it our aim to have lived long enough"
Have then the end game as a strategy : Death itself:
Not in the dark sense !
Not in the sense of misfortune!
but more in the sense that
End is sure to happen : and its just a question of timing:

Living everyday as if its the last!
without postponement!




What is a sound mind?


         What is a sound mind?

A sound mind knows where to find the Joy;

Seneca says that:
We try to find Joy in Shiny Objects !!!

But the True joy comes from real Goods:
1.Good conscience
2. Honoroble purpose
3. RIght Actions
4. Contempt of gifts of chance
5. Even and calm way of living

this real good is what is fixed and lasting;

One you possess this : move forward:
Rest do not progress at all :
They merely blob up and down
like a cork in the Ocean
or like a driftwood in the River
merely tossed from this side to the other!

Amateurs vs Professionals




Solves Symptoms

Solves Root cause

Thinks in Absolutes

Thinks in probabilities

Sees disagreements as Threats

Sees Disagreements as Opportunities to Learn

Have a goal

Have a process

Think they are good @ everything

Understand that they have edges to competencies

Value Intensity

Value Consistency

Knowledge is power

Share knowledge with all others

Divide the Pie

Grow the Pie

Show up inconsistently

Show-up everyday

Go faster

Go farther

World works the way I think

Work with the World the way they find it

Tear others down

Make everyone better

Focus next Quarter

Focus next decade

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Pre-performance Ritual

         Pre-performance Ritual

develop a pre-performance ritual -
to get your "mindset" right!

pg.194 : Score Takes care of itself

As you prepare for the day , prepare your mind
before the actual work begins :

For me : this is the following :
1. Walking
2. Reading Seneca
3. Yoga
4. Writing Affirmations
5. To Do list from weekly tasks


Bill Walsh       





1. First is Integrity and Humility
2. Second is Clear thinking
3. Third is Influential writing
4. Last is charismatic speaking

Intent = Integrity * Clear thinking / Selfishness


Shreyas Doshi twitter       

How to create a great presentation


         How to create a great presentation

My notes:

Creating PowerPoint presentation is like creating a movie.
You need to have a strong script before you jump to make slides;
Say you need to create a presentation :
what do you do?
Dive right into slides? No, you don't :

Start with a L.I.S.T

Length: In 10 minutes
Idea: you'll know how to make a great spaghetti dish
Structure: Where we will state the process and end
Then: you look awesome in front of your wife!

Then Finish with a B.O.W:
Backtrack a bit:
Objective: please suggest feedback
Why : we need to do this




Intent trounces all other skills

Good Intent * Persuasion = Influence
Influence * Execution = Impact
Impact * Consistency = Success;

Bad Intent * Persuasion = Manipulation
Manipulation * Execution = Collective Harm
Collective Harm * Consistency = Misery;


Shreyas Doshi Twitter       

Mindset @ Work


         Mindset @ Work

Things that provide great upside with little to no downside:

1. Quarterly Hackathons
2. Weekly memo emails
3. Pre-mortems


Shreyas Doshi twitter       

Be A Guide

         Be A Guide

A guide on finding a man who lost his way
brings him back to the right path
he does not mock and jeer
at the traveller !

You must also show , ignorant man the way
and you will see that he will follow!

But so long as you do not show him
you should not mock him
rather feel your own incapacity!



Keep it simple


         Keep it simple

easy solution is rarely simple!
The simple solution is rarely easy!

you need to work hard , really hard to
Keep it simple and easy!

Say are preparing a presentation :
to do it easy , you start right away with PPT deck
but it becomes complex for the audience to understand

On other hand, you work hard on the topic
write a script
and create a slide deck
it will be hardwork
but it will be simple on the audience and they
would all like it!

Simple is Hard!
Complex is Easy!


Shreyas Doshi Twitter       

Friday, September 6, 2024

Nature -A cure for Selfishness!

 Nature -A cure for Selfishness!

Iris Murdoch

I am looking out my window
in an anxious and resentful
state of mind
oblivious of my surroundings
brooding perhaps on some damage done
to my prestige!

Then suddenly, I observe a hovering kestrel
In a moment everything is altered
The brooding self with its hurt vanity has

There is nothing now but kestrel
And when I return to thinking of other matter
it seems less important.

And of course this is something which we may do deliberately also
Give attention to Nature
in order to
Clear our minds of Selfish care!

My note:
I feel similar: when I see
the Eagle Royal
hovering over my terrace
Flying without flapping of wings
for more than 2 minutes at a time
using the wind as a friend to
pitch, and roll and yaw
Unflappability of the Eagle
adds to its majestic nature!

As i observe the eagle, 
my mind , that is ruffled due to selfishness
becomes a lake of calmness
unflapping so to speak,
even momentarily
as the eagle's wings

Plan and Execution

           Plan and Execution Seneca says this about Plan and Execution: Plan: We can formulate general rules and...