Saturday, September 14, 2024

End game


         End game

It is bothersome, always beginning to live


Seneca, Letters from a Stoic

they live ill who are alwyas beginning to live;
For example , people postponing their enjoyment to retire life -
and they dont live long enough!

Epicurus says that - we are always planning to live
not living mostly
No execution of the plan!
When it comes to living - its always not Living!
mostly counting , counting and counting!

As Thoreau says:
In the end it becomes a Fool's life - to realize at the end that
I have not lived at all!

So Seneca gives a remedy for the malaise:
"We must make it our aim to have lived long enough"
Have then the end game as a strategy : Death itself:
Not in the dark sense !
Not in the sense of misfortune!
but more in the sense that
End is sure to happen : and its just a question of timing:

Living everyday as if its the last!
without postponement!




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