Saturday, July 15, 2023

A game of odds!

 What matters is that a blackjack card-counter knows that they are playing a game of odds, not certainties!

pg.121 : Psychology of Money , Morgan Housel

Life - you have to think in odds and not in certainties! 

Odds involve probability - more specifically - success and failure are both possible outcomes ! 

I play chess as an amateur - I used to think of certain moves expecting that my competitor will make specific moves with certainty! but that never happened!

Bertrand Russell puts it this way : " The whole problem with the World is that , Fools are always certain of themselves and wiser people full of doubts! " 

Why wiser folks are doubtful ? because they think in possible outcomes and probabilities!

As you do so, you will become humble as well!

As you become humble , you act normal!

As you act normal, you really come across as amazing!

The riskiest moment is when you think you are right" 

Peter Bernstein - Economist!


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