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Point of Enough


Yes, But I have something he will never have ...Enough"

pg. 39 Psychology of Money Moran Housel

"At a party given by a billionaire, Kurt Vonnegut informs his pal,

Joseph Heller that their host,

a hedge fund manager, earned more money in a single day, than

earned from his wildly popular novel 'Catch-22' over its whole history.

Heller responded "Yes , But I have something he will never have ...Enough"

Say you are going to a 5-star hotel - it serves an extravagant buffet- 100s of dishes- you are hungry - you eat and eat - at some point the appetite comes down - mind gives up. you cannot eat more - is it not?

because , body has a control system - closed loop - that signals that it has had enough ; 


I wish we have such a closed loop mechanism when it to dealing with money, fame , position and material pleasures!

In the book, Your Money or Your Life, author Vicki Robin helps us to identify the point of "Enough", when it comes to Money.

the concept is called Life Energy - amount of time you are trading off for the money earned;


At the point of enough, fulfillment breaks through the roof and reaches infinity!

Thoreau says " For my greatest skill - has been to want but little - so little distraction from my wonted moods- and so little capital required" Walde pg 37

any fool can be ambitious ; it takes a genius to feel contented and enough!

At the point of enough, fulfillment breaks through the roof and reaches infinity!

Thoreau says " For my greatest skill - has been to want but little -

so little distraction from my wonted moods- and so little capital required" Walden pg 37

any fool can be ambitious ; it takes a genius to feel contented and enough! 



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