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6 Principles of Athletic training:

 6 Principles of Athletic training: Applied to Writing and creative work:

Sweat: A History of Exercise:

Bill Hayes


What it is



Principle of Specificity

What you train for is what you get

If your goal is endurance, train for endurance

If your goal is strength, train for strength

Be specific in your work out Goals

Principle of Overload

Train the part of the body above the level to which it is accustomed to

It is the practice of pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone and trying new things


Principle of progression

You move on as you mastered a new task

George O’Keefe says: make your unknown known


Principle of accommodation

Without challenge, the body or spirit settles into stagnation or worse complacency

David Bowie says: Always go a little further into water than you’re capable of being in –


Go a little bit out of depth and when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom , you’re just about the right place to do something

Principle of reversibility

When you cease challenging  your yourself, the arc of progress bends backwards , undoing your gains!



Principle of rest

Taking time to reverse from exertion, To replenish the Body’s Energy  and Soul’s store of creative vitality

 Take a walk : 30 minutes or more

to allow your subconscious to talk to you!