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10 Rules to Creativity:

 10 Rules to Creativity:

By Nicolas Cole : YouTube Video

1.   Content is King ; Execution is Emperor;

a.       You need to play iterated games to keep publishing and getting feedback on what works well and did not work well!

2.   Its not enough to tell a story; you need to market the story:

a.       Don’t be afraid to evangelize your work!

3.       Beginners write about what they know; Proficient writers – write about what they don’t know;

4.       Inspiration comes and goes ; Discipline is what keeps you going;

5.       Writing is free; Value is what gets you paid;

a.       Focus on Value . not the number of words or articles!   

6.       Success comes from your consistency; Mastery comes from you iterations ; 

           Iteration : speed at which you find new ways to work / unsolved problems

7.       Perfection is unattainable ; Progress is inevitable;

8.       Write for readers; Edit for yourself

a.       Find your “Voice” in what you say!

9.       Its easy to write for everyone ! Its hard to write for someone specific!

1     Reward yourself for starting ; Punish yourself for stopping;