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Role of Management:

 Role of Management:

Out of the Crisis

Edward W Deming

(Dr.Nelson, Director of Statistical Methods for the Nashua Corporation)

1. The central problem of management - in all its aspects- of

Planning, research, Design, Personnel, Accounts and Law is - 

“To understand the meaning of variation - and to extract information contained in the variation”

2. You cannot set a target for improvement without a rational plan for improvement

3. Most important figures needed by management of any organization are Unknown and Unknowable

4. In a stable system, action initiated on appearance of a defect - will be ineffective and will cause more trouble

5. “...and if you can’t come . send nobody” 

William E Conway , CEO , Nashua Corporation

meaning…If you don't have time to do your job, there is not much that I can do for you!