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5 Things to do Everyday

1)      Take care of your Body:
Involve in some physical activity for at least 10 minutes day after day that will pump up your heart beat…
2)      Take care of your Mind:
Involve in an intellectual pursuit…It could be anything ranging from Playing Sudoku, to reading a book (Not a novel !) , Writing a blog post (Novel is okay here!) ,Practice Singing or Yoga. Your Grey cells cannot go grey…they have to be green
3)      Take care of your Time:
Time is an ethereal thing. Micromanage your time & You will be surprised to see the amount of Leakage.
4)      Take care of your Energy:
Make the most of the Mornings…Plunge into the Most Important Task (MIT) for the day as the first thing in the morning….It will energize you enough to take you through even a difficult day.
5)      Take care of ___________:
I leave this to you…..Fill in the blanks with your own priority……Hobby, Family, Finance , Work, Business etc.,

My experience is  that my energy levels at end of the day are high up when I incorporated all the above in a Day…Please try it out and let me know your thoughts !