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Your Money or Your Life : Post 2

In the previous post, Your Money or Your Life -Post1 we saw how Vicki Robin explains our relationship with our Money as it occurs in the past. 
 In the current post, we will see our Money relationship in the present…

So,What is Money ?as viewed from different altitudes…

At the “pedestrian” level, Money is a physical device simply to exchange goods and services…

At the “sky scraper” level, Money has an emotional connect…Who am I when it comes to Money? Generous? Cautious? Miser?  Impulsive?

At the “City level”, Money takes the cultural connection…say you are going to your college alumini meeting …How do you judge yourself? …paycheck relative to your friends…number of houses that you own…Car that you drive…

All the above perspectives have very limited use to an individual and in fact it is harmful….why ? because it is external to the individual & mostly in comparison with others. That is where In YMYL, there is one more perspective that the authors introduce…”Helicopter level”
“Money is something we choose to trade our Life Energy for” …Life energy is nothing but our allotment of time on Earth!
So, Money is not just a physical form that we accumulate….in fact  Money = Life Energy ... and is there anything precious than Life Energy?
Now you may ask…”yes sir ! got it! what do I do?” …2 things to do in the present..
1)      Compute your real hourly wage
2)      Keep track of every Rupee/Cent/Penny  that comes in or goes out of your life
Computing your real hourly wage:
Basic Job
Commuting cost
Escape entertainment

The above exercise will clearly show how much is your hourly wage…or on a corollary …how much is an hour of your Life are you trading it for…This is very important…because . the next time you are shelling out the money to buy an unnecessary gadget you now will be forced to ask yourself : Is this worth 1 hour / 2 hours/ 3 hours of my life energy?
Keep track of every Rupee/Cent/Money
There are zillions of apps that keep help you keep track of your income and spending…get one of those and record each and every expense of yours every day….yes… I repeat…each and every expense irrespective of the amount…..
That’s it for now…

We will see in the next few post s of what do  we to do with our measures of net-worth, life energy and income/expense tracking  for the Future?


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