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One-Percent solution!

“Success is a few simple disciplines, practised every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day” …Jim Rohn

How much is 1% ? Not much, is it not ? but the experts think otherwise ….


 “In the beginning, there is basically no difference between making a choice that is 1 percent better or 1 percent worse. (In other words, it won’t impact you very much today.) But as time goes on, these small improvements or declines compound and you suddenly find a very big gap between people who make slightly better decisions on a daily basis and those who don’t. This is why small choices don’t make much of a difference at the time, but add up over the long-term.” …..James Clear

Why just focusing on the 1% produces results?
“My professor said that in an attempt to understand the law—or, for that matter, just about anything—the key was to focus on what he termed the “one percent.” Don’t get lost in the crabgrass of details, he urged us. Instead, think about the essence of what you’re exploring—the one percent that gives life to the other ninety-nine. Understanding that one percent, and being able to explain it to others, is the hallmark of strong minds and good attorneys.” …Daniel Pink in “To Sell is Human”

Aggregation of Marginal gains:
In 2012 Olympics, whether it be the ladies road race, the men’s time trial, or the many events in the velodrome, the British cycling team were incredible.  As the commentators effused over the team’s performance, they hailed Performance Director Dave Brailsford as a kind of demi-god. So what is Brailsford’s recipe for success ?...he tells us below…

“We’ve got this saying, ‘performance by the aggregation of marginal gains’. It means taking the 1% from everything you do; finding a 1% margin for improvement in everything you do. That’s what we try to do from the mechanics upwards.If a mechanic sticks a tyre on, and someone comes along and says it could be done better, it’s not an insult – it’s because we are always striving for improvement, for those 1% gains, in absolutely every single thing we do.”

So what do you think of one percent now?


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