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"Cool Down: Getting Further by Going Slower "..Book review

Cool Down: Getting Further by Going Slower by  Steve Prentice (John Wiley & Sons)

It happened by chance for me to read the book “ Cool Down : Getting Further by Going Slower”. As blasphemous as it may sound in today’s world, the author propounds the concept of being “Slow” in the current world where Speed is everything.

The central premise of the book  is as following :
1)    “Work expands to fill the available time” .The more you are wired the more you work…
2)    “We are like a lamp store…where everything is on all the time”….The only result is a burnout
3)    “Law of Diminishing Returns is real”…your 60 hour work week does not always yield 60 hours of productivity

In essence, people are really losing the “thinking” time in the urge to do the things and act in Silos. So, the author proposes the following solutions:

1)    Stay away from the Infomania (Information overload). For example,When you want to focus on something important, inform the required people and stay away from the distractions & just focus on the job
2)    Pause,Thinks & Respond: Take the example of the emails…the general tendency of people is to respond as fast as they can to an email. While this may sound good ,people do not put enough thought into the first email resulting in “Email Badminton” where emails flow back and forth. This is where the power of “Slow” comes into effect. An effective email response even if it is delayed a bit is always better.
3)    Be Slow to be fast : So the concept of “Slow” does not meant to do things slowly, but to unleash the creativity by pacing things down. Some of the solutions that Steve Prentice proposes are
a.     Blue-skying…Just stare at the blue-sky and feel the breeze in the nape of the neck
b.     Physical Exercise every day
c.     Playing a sport that you like
d.     Or simply having Tea as a meditative exercise …just like the Japanese do
If you wonder that these are purely time-wasting techniques when things are piling up, think again. These are the rejuvenation methods for your self while your mind is still creating synapse connections. By following these techniques you are in fact toning up your mind & body to face the stresses of the day.

In my opinion, this is a great book with lot of practical tips for all of those who are in the daily treadmill of life muddled with issues of Multi-tasking, Distractions & Work-life balance.


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