Source : Lawrence Yeo :
Envy is inversely correlated with self-examination!
The less you know yourself
the more you look at others
to get an idea of your worth!
But the more you delve into who you are,
the less you seek from others,
and the dissolution of envy begins!
Source : Shreyas Joshi
"Say you are invited by your friend to his house-warming party,
whom you went to college with -
now lives in a million-dollar mansion-
the same fellow whom you did not think much of!
On the drive back, you ask yourself " Where did I go wrong ?"
and start telling yourself : " I want this friend's life - mansion, zip-code and prestige"
and make an unintended choice ;
My Friend, Envy has crept in to you , due to discontent resulting from unintended choice(s);
This happens because : we forgot to do any inner work to get to a place of fulfillment and tranquility!
So what to do to beat Envy (every time)
First : Try to catch yourself when you get into envy trap;
Ask yourself the question: "This next thing I am aiming for -
Is this the right one to give me happiness that I seek?
or Am I falling for the "Shiny object" syndrome ?
That leads us to the second question: Self-examination:
"We are not who we are"
My super-powers - special talents
we don't understand our essence;
and so we look outside of us
we look at others
so the the key to do then is :
To understand what makes you special
what your super-powers are
and then devote yourself to Excellence and flow in that ;
Basically, we recognize that we are committing ourselves to the craft
that we can greet at and that we are getting world-class there whatever that means for you!
so when you do that - you have changed the reference frame :
Its not about : "Oh I wish I had what they have"
but all about : " I now have something that nobody else does,
and when you reach that self-understanding of committing to the excellence to that craft
you reach a flow- and whatever play this envy crops up :
you tell yourself : " Let them play their game ; I will play mine"