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Body keeps the score

Agency is the technical term. for the feeling of being in Charge

Of your life:

knowing where you stand 

knowing  that you have a say in what happens to you.

knowing that you have some ability in

Shaping your Circumstances.

Agency Starts with What Scientists Call -

Interoception - Our Awareness of Subtle Sensory, Body-based feelings - 

The greater the awareness, the greater the potential

 to control our lives. 

knowing what we feel  - is the first step to  knowing why we feel this way

If we are aware of the constant Changes in our 

Inner and outer environment, we can mobilize to manage them .

But we can't do that Unless our Watchtower (medial pre-frontal cortex) 

Learns to observe what is going on inside us! 

This is why mindfulness practice which strengthens the MPFC

is a cornerstone of recovery from trauma!