Don't get into the mode of Zero-points for winning
Get satisfaction and gratification from “small wins” - or even in defeats
Look for metrics that are growing
And improving and take pride in that
This is very important!
If you take pride only in that “big-win” - it becomes Cocaine
No longer the big win excites you as much
You look for an even bigger win
Or next big win
Current win does not count!
Zero points for winning!
Victory just means delay of Failure …Bill Walsh!
Winning, Winning , Winning …is not always a solution
Because you are just delaying the Failure
Pursuit of prize becomes an exacting exercise - expectations unattainable
And then profession you loved - all your life
Becomes unenjoyable and unendurable!
And then when you cannot win even when you win
Then comes a point,
when you cannot see point in continuing!