Kinship with God!
If Caesar were to adopt you
Your haughty looks will be intolerable!
Will you not be elated at
Knowing that you are son of a God?
Now , its not so with us
In our birth, we are comingled with two things
Body, we share with the Animals
Reason and Thought, which we share with Gods!
Many move towards this unhappy kinship with beast!
Few rise to the blessed kinship with Divine!
Those few , are born for, Fidelity, Modesty and unerring sureness
In dealing with things of sense
But the multitude many, act the contrary
Clinging to the Body
Neglecting reasoning and thought!
My Note:
We are part animal and part Godly!
Born with Animal instinct and God Instinct!
Which instinct am I reaching out to determines my Fate!