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You need a change of soul rather than the change of Climate!

 You need a change of soul rather than the change of Climate! 


Letters from a Stoic

Socrates said:

Why do you wonder that globe-trotting does not help you?

Seeing that you always take yourself with you!

Seneca says:

You need need to lay aside the burdens of the mind;

Until you do this , no place will satisfy you! 

The person you are matters most than the place to which you go


Because : Journey is mere drifting - like the piece of wood

Floating in the Ganges and being sloshed

Hither and Thither

Thoreau puts this across:

“Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ; and not a new wearer of clothes”

John Maynard Keynes said : 

“Most people when confronted with a choice of changing their thoughts 

Or proving there is no need to change,

Get busy on the proof “