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Pleasure of No Pleasure

There is a pleasure of its own 

The very fact of our not wanting pleasures 

Taking the place of the pleasure themselves


Letters from a Stoic

These are very beautiful words : 

I read something similar written by Ryan Holiday - quoting 

Nassim Taleb

“You are Rich, if and only if, the taste of money you refuse, 

Is much more than the taste of money you accept”

There seems to be a beauty in refusal - of superfluities -

There seems to be a beauty in -” Saying No”

There seems to be beauty in feeling enough

There seems to be beauty in feeling contented

Say No to the superfluities 

Ambition is Easy, Contentedness is Tough

Greed is Easy, Feeling enough is tough

Saying Yes is easy, Saying No is tough

Learn to live with restraint!

Tone your wants and tastes low enough,
and make much of negatives
and of mere daylight and the skies
-Walt Whitman