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 Yoga Philosophy says that: We eat through our senses ! 

Take your Time

Eknath Eswaran

Sight, hearing, Taste, Touch, and Smell are the channels that connect the mind to the outside world and the study of the interaction of senses and mind is the most fascinating

Eknath Eswaran

Ideally, senses should act as the mind’s assistants

Mind is the boss - at least in the name 

But all too often 

Boss doesn't boss

Senses take over

Cajole the mind to have a good time

Through consumption!

So the next time you want to consume

Ask yourself - 

Will I be happy about my consumption in 

5 hours from now?

5 Days from now?

5 months from now?

5 years from now? 

If so, say “Hell Yes; Otherwise Damn No” 

As Plutarch said once:

Like our minds, our minds are hurt more often by overeating than by Hunger