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Decision Making

 Hypothesis Testing:

Decision Making Tool :

Typically researchers belief works  like this :

"If I do this, Then that will happen"


"If I reward people, Then team will be motivated"

"If I care for people, Then team will be engaged"

Now remember this is just a belief or at best an opinion until proven by an experiment

It is not a proven fact until experiment outcomes says so!

Researchers earn their bread through submitting proofs !

So, What do they do - to prove or disprove the beliefs ?

They put their beliefs through  Testing , specifically Hypothesis Testing

It goes like this : 

Step 1: Frame the belief or opinion you want to test , as an If ...Then format 

Examples :

  1.  "If I reward people, Then team will be motivated"
  2. "If I care for people, Then team will be engaged"
Step 2 : Frame Null Hypothesis : Null Hypothesis that nullifies your belief:
Null Hypothesis (Ho) : No proof that If you reward people, then Team will be motivated

Step 3 : Frame Alternate Hypothesis: (H1) : Belief that you want to test
Alternate Hypothesis (H1) :"If I reward people, Then team will be motivated"

Step 4: Now do experiments : To test for Alternate hypothesis:

Example of experiment: Do team engagement survey pre and post recognition and rewards 

or compare the team engagement scores for two teams , one with better rewards and other with lesser rewards

Step 5: If say engagement scores are significantly better in one case with other, then it proves the Alternate Hypothesis : that Rewards improve the motivation;

Other wise , we fail to prove alternate hypothesis : and have to stick to the Null Hypothesis: which is

 No proof that If you reward people, then Team will be motivated

This is the essence of scientific approach used by researchers to test for opinions or beliefs

To summarize:

1.    Frame good hypothesis statements: using If...Then

2.    Develop experiments to test the Alternate Hypothesis

3.    Evaluate outcomes

Nothing is more conducive to objectivity than the ability to

methodically and honestly test everything that you come across in life 

-Marcus Aurelius - Meditations