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Olympic Motto - Nah!

 On modern improvements , there is an illusion about them;

there is not always a positive advance 

pg.27 : Walden, Henry David Thoreau

Citius, Altius , Fortius - Faster, Higher and Stronger! 

this is not only the modern Olympics motto ! but also

of the people 19th , 20th and 21st century as well!

  1. Faster - Hurry Up - or you shall miss out!
  2. Higher - Grow up - or you will be left out!
  3. Stronger - Heavy lift -  or move away!
While not always wrong
Should we not focus on alternative as well -
  • Slower - Slow down 
  • Deeper - Think Deep
  • Wiser -  Practice philosophy
Why you may ask?
Life is not Olympic sport - 
Sport is where  game ends and players live on
Sport is where you know winners and losers at the end of the game
Sport is zero-sum : winner takes it all!

Life is not like sport
Life is an infinite game - players end and game carries on
Life is where there are no clear winners and losers
Life is not zero-sum : win-win is the way to tackle it
Citius, Altius , Fortius - Faster, Higher and Stronger! does not  always work out in life!
try out also this motto:
Tardius, Altius, Prudentius  - Slower, Deeper , Wiser