Sunday, May 7, 2023


 A swim in the pond in the rain

-George Saunders

The instant we wake-up the story begins :

"Here I am, in my bed,

Hard worker, Good Dad, Decent Husband

a guy who always tries his best "



All of this limited thinking has an unfortunate by-product : Ego

who is trying to survive ? "I" am

The mind takes a vast unitary wholeness (the Universe)

selects one tiny segment of it (me)

and starts narrating from that point of view.

Just like that, that entity (George!)

becomes real, and he is (surprise, surprise)

located at the exact center of the universe

and everything is happening in his movie



It is all, somehow, both for and about him

In this way, the moral judgment    arise :

what is good for George is - good

what is bad for him is -bad!

so in every instant , a delusional gulf gets created between

Things as we think they are! and

Things as they actually are!

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