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Write Everyday!

Putting the ink on the paper is a much powerful exercise than you can imagine. It is powerful because of the following reasons :

Power of Recollection:
Writing requires dusting  your brain to bring out the thoughts out of your memory you want to jot down. This is true about whatever you write about….be it the errands list or a big novel. Recollection is one of the key steps in the memory retention process.

Firming up the Commitment:
Think of an issue that is on top of your mind and bothering you. Take a pen and paper. Just start jotting down your problem…I mean not even the potential solution…just the problem. While this writing process itself may be difficult, you will feel a sense of comfort after the writing exercise. Writing , especially in your own hand-writing firms up the commitment , which is the most important step in Problem solving process.

Dealing with “Open-loops”:
Most of us think, mental stress arises from focusing on one intense activity for a long period…No is not…Mental stress arises from repeated thoughts about multiple set of issues that are accumulated in our memory without identifying the next step. These are the “open-loops” in the brain through which the energy leaks happen draining us out. Putting all the “Open-loops” onto a piece of paper takes the load out of our CPU’s memory.  David Allen , the world renowned productivity guru & author of “Getting Things Done”, calls this capturing of thoughts as “Collection” habit.

Exercise in Creativity:
Writing is an exercise an creativity. The more you write , the more you become better in telling a Story . The more you become adept in story-telling , the more influential you can be!
Don’t worry about your vocabulary, grammar or construction. Just make a resolve to write at least 250 words day and more importantly… Write …You can also start your  own blog free of cost on the WordPress or the Blogger

Write ! Write Everyday !