We all
We all know
that It is better to exercise given the sedentary lifestyle…
We all know
it is wise to save 10% of the income month after month…
We all know
it is important to keep learning new skills to further our career…
We all know
that Smoking is injurious to health….
We all know
that Meditation will help t o retain the sanity ….
We all Know….
The lacuna
seems to be in acting upon what we know…When it is time to act, we suddenly
start blaming about lack of time, resource, people and what not.
One of the
reason for the inertia to act is to do it perfect…For example, we think
Exercise is fruitful only if it means hours spent in the gym…Savings helps only
if we do it multiple thousands month-after-month. The result of this perfection
is that we never begin doing the things…
So the
solution is ….To think big ….but start small.
The first day
even it is a five minute routine , just begin that exercise…
The first
month even if it is an Hundred rupees, make that Investment….
The first minute of your office day ,read what is going on in the business
The first rush to have a smoke...procrastinate it….
For a matter
of 2 minutes, Close your eyes and follow your breath through the inhale and the
The key is to
Do. With that small step, you would have made that giant leap to bridge the
Know-Do gap. All that remains is to take the next step and the one after….