Dear Friends,
Almost 2000 years back, the Greek philosopher Epictetus
wrote about the way to Succeed
please hear it from the Master himself:
"If you do not choose to desire that
which you will fail to obtain
Nor attempt that into which you will fall
Desire nothing - that belongs to or in power of others
and Avoid anything that are not in your power
If you observe the rules above
you must of necessary succeed!
(For what is Success ? Success is but Peace of Mind! )"
Epictetus continues:
"Difficulties of People are about external things
their helplessness is about external things
what shall I do?
How will it turn out?
Will this happen? Will that?
all these are words of those who are turning
themselves into things
which are not within the power of the will!
rather a Man who asks himself
How shall I don't assent to that what which is false?
How shall I not turn away from the Truth?
a man of such good disposition -is never anxious
for the thing is in his Power! "