Saturday, August 3, 2024




Letters from a Stoic : pg.26

For this is the surest proof of a man’s constancy -

If he neither seeks things that are seductive

And allure him to luxury, nor is lead into them

Seneca says this :

Don't get carried away by what the mob does! 

But also

Don't get carried away by being different from the crowd! 

Dont get conspicuous by absence 

-in the crowd

-or one of the crowd

“Keep your Holiday without extravagance”

So what do you need to do?

You ask?

“Set aside a certain number of day 

During which 

You will be content with

Scantiest and cheatest dare

With coarse and rough dress 

Saying to yourself

“Is this the condition that I feared?”

Seneca seems to be talking the philosophy of

“attached-detached” here:

You don't have to be a pauper! 

Aim High!

Be Rich! 


While being Rich 

Possess it

Not Show-off it dauntlessly,


You can live happily without it as well!

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