Saturday, August 3, 2024

Prevent problems rather than to solve problems

Prevent problems rather than to solve problems


Use the technique of pre-mortem : 

As you even start the project,

Assume it has failed! 

And then come up with reasons : 

So how do you do pre-mortem?

Tigers: A threat which hurt us if  we don't do something

Paper Tigers: A fake thereat, that you are not worried, but others are

Elephants:  A threat you are worried, about and no one else is talking about!

Set up 1-hour long meeting:

10 minutes: Context and Prompt: Think of 2: Tigers, Paper-tigers and Elephants

10 minutes: Question 1: People list out Tigers, Paper-tigers and Elephants

10 minutes:  Question 2: People review others’ inputs in a shared doc and +1 them with up to five +1s allowed! 

20 minutes: Around the room sharing: People share reflections and what resonated most! 

10 minutes: Top themes and next steps: Analysis

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