Saturday, August 3, 2024

Broad Margin

 Broad Margin


Henry David Thoreau

“I love a broad margin to my life”  - Henry David Thoreau

What does this margin mean? 

Possibly Thoreau refers to the  typical day he spent by Walden lake

 which is described as below:

“Sometimes, in a summer morning, having taken my accustomed bath.

I sat in my sunny doorway from sunrise till noon

Rapt in a reverie

Amidst the pines and

Hickories and sumachs

In undisturbed  solitude and stillness”

Possibly, Thoreau refers to the margin as the

Long time-blocks of solitude and stillness

That he made affordable in a day

Through his simplicity experiment of the two plus years

He spent on the shores of Walden! 

Like on a white-sheet of paper

Rather than cramping every inch of it

With words rather

Leave a broad-margin on the paper - to write out only

The essentials on the white canvas

For future ruminations !

Like a busy working day 

Rather than cramming every hour with


Could you make it affordable with interim

Time-blocks of solitude, stillness leading to Serenity

That shall lead you to deep-work!

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