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Beware of Crowd!

 More harm is done by a simple act of Indulgence or Greed

Letters from a Stoic pg.7

When it comes to habits :
its either zero or one ;
Either you get to do it or not;

Seneca puts it more eloquently:
Familiar friend, if he be luxurious
softens us imperceptibly

Neighbor, if he be rich
rouses our covetousness

Companion, If he be slanderous
rubs off the rust upon us
Even though we be spotless and sincere!

So Seneca's advise is to be beware of the crowd :
"For they do not approve what you know: and
you don't approve what they approve"

"One man means as much as multitude ,
 Multitude as much as one man"

Stick to your principles 100% of time!