Friday, July 12, 2024

Your work is to Work!

 Andrew Huberman with Rick Rubin


How does one convince oneself that what they’re doing and working on is worth doing?


The question of worth it, is reliant on an outcome. 

We don't make these things for an outcome. 

Its not our mindset to make something great.

The outcome happens.

You’re making the best thing

Its a devotional practice

Whatever happens after that happens!

And that part

That happens after it-

Is completely out of your control

Putting any energy into that part

That is outside of your control

Its a waste of time

All it does is to undermine your work

Your work is to make the best thing you can!

My note:

Goal need not be to reach a destination

Goal can be to Keep going and Keep going

So long as I can

Deliberately ,

With Purpose as Rudder,

Goal can be to keep going

And make best thing you can with purpose

Journey itself then can become the Goal

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