Friday, July 19, 2024



As you feel you're in Clutter,

you need to cut the clutter; 

KISsss principle will help you get there! 

I know it sounds cringy! But let me explain:

KISsss  => Keep it Simple, Small, Short and Slow! 

First step is to Simplify:

However deep the problem: spend time with yourself 

Through writing and Thinking Time:

Set aside a thinking and reflection about the problem on hand;

Set aside 30 minutes with pen and paper on hand and 

See if you can Simplify the complexity

Consistent thinking time helps you to attain clarity and go to the next step which is: 

Second Step : Small : 

This is the organizing step

After your thinking time , take a look at your notes 

Break out the potential solutions into small chunks - tasks;

Say you have a pile of clothes that need to be Ironed! 

Don't look at the pile and demotivate yourself! : rather sort out and pick one cloth at a time! 

Divide and conquer!

Third step: Keep it short! 

Focus on the single task: 30 minutes at a time on the solution

Don't worry about completion!

Focus on the time! 

30 minutes! Pomodoro technique

Fourth step: 

Incorporate slowness as you start the task 

Deliberately start slow - to become mindful; 

Going back to the ironing board,

deliberately press the cloth slowly

Iron out each wrinkle! slow! Slow! Mindful!

Again don't focus on the completion!

Play out the time - 30 minutes - slowly! deliberately!

Go slow to move quick! 

As you do the above: you will realize : 

How simplification is

the ultimate sophistication!

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