Sunday, July 28, 2024

How do I do not rush?

 How do I do not rush? 

My Notes

How do I do not rush?

How do I do not do something seeking something?

How do I , say, just go for walking , for the sake of walking? 

Like Nietzsche

He was supposed to keep walking in forests

For 7 hours every day

And through that: he probably stirred his inner voice

Which he simply scribed post his walk! 

How do i not rush? 

Be it Ironing clothes 

Or writing or Listening? 

That is the moot question…

One way seems to be : irrespective of the urgency 

To start slow : 

Don't just rush!

Start slow

Even super slow 

Say, you are writing with pen and paper : check how tight you hold the pen. 

Write each word consciously! 

And let the words flow

For the next 25 minutes or so without distraction! 

As Steven Pressfield talks about his writing routine:

In his Book : The War of Art

I just sit and write for the designated hours of the day 

And when i start having typing mistakes - I know i am done for the day! 

Are the words any good? Don't know! 

Will it make sense to my readers? Dont know! 

All I know is I overcame resistance for the day 

And showed up to write !

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