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Everything is an Opinion unless…

 Everything is an Opinion unless…

The Practicing Stoic

Ward Farnsworth

Everything is an opinion unless tested by reason

I need to tell myself that everything is an opinion; 

So I need to reserve / suspend my judgment - until I use reason to test the opinions

Opinion=> Hypothesis testing=> Facts

What is Hypothesis testing?

Lets start with Hypothesis:

If I do This (Independent Variable -Cause )

Then That shall happen (Dependent variable - Effect) 

Hypothesis is mere opinion; just anecdote

So do hypothesis testing : to see if there is fact to anecdote:

Null Hypothesis :(notation):Ho:  There is no proof that your Opinion is right

Alternate Hypothesis: H1:: Your opinion (If I do this , then that shall happen) is right! 

In statistics , how do you do this hypothesis testing? 

Set up an experiment to test succees or failure of your opinion;

and conduct experiments

And note the outcomes: pass/ fail;

Find the probability of your opinion : that it is repeatable using several data inputs;

If results that support your opinion is repeatable 95% or more of outcomes => then the p-value : is 5% or less , 

This indicates that there is high degree of probability that you need to reject Null Hypothesis ! 

That : 
There is no proof that your Opinion is right

Alternatively, if the experiment outcome is not repeatable at least  95% of times,

Then there is   highly likely role of chance or randomness in the outcome

Which means that , you need to accept the Null Hypothesis : that :

There is no proof that your Opinion is right

Everything is an opinion unless tested by reason!
So, dont confuse your own opinion with facts!