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Back to the Basics

Back to the Basics

(by Z Fellows – Twitter)

I never get bored with basicsKobe Bryant

Kobe taught me a life changing less that morning-

“Just because something is basic , It is not easy”

In 2007, Kobe Bryant conducted a mini-camp with best high-school students around the USA

In the camp, I went to Kobe and asked if I can witness his insanely great individual work out;

Kobe was gracious to me and said : “Sure, Man. I am going for the work-out tomorrow at 4 a.m”

I basically committed myself being there.

So I set my alarm at 3 a,m and went to the gym by 3:30 AM;

I can see that Gym light is already on ;

Kobe is already there sweating out – 

Individual workout before his 4 am workout with his trainer

For next 45 minutes, I saw the best basketball player in the world-

Doing the most basic foot moves

And offensive moves;

Kobe was practicing the stuff that is routinely taught to middle school age players by coaches;

Kobe was doing them with surgical precision

but the most basic moves!

I left the gym soon after that  without meeting Kobe;

But, later in the day,  my curiosity got the better of me ;

I asked Kobe : “ You are the best player in the world – 

Why are you then practicing the basic moves?”

Kobe : “ Why do you think I’m the best player in the world !

Because I never get bored with the basics”

Just because something is basic,

It doesn’t mean its easy!

If its easy , everyone else would do it

The key in life : 

To identify what those basics are, those fundamentals are ,

And being relentlessly committed to it

To performing them with consistency!

That is hard – because – Basics are monotonous – boring and mundane!

High performers are those who fall in love with the basics!

For example : 

Say in Personal Finance:

Basics are :

1. Spend less than you earn

2. Your savings - Invest wisely! 

In public speaking :

1. Have a clear opening , body and conclusion

2. Use Rhyme and rhythm 

In Health:

1. Spend 30 minutes of walking or gym

2. Meditate 30 minutes 

Basics, Basics and Basics ! Nothing else! 


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