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Your Money or Your Life – Post 4

In the post-1 of Your Money or Your Life book review, we saw about the fulfillment curve that is emphasized again and again in the book . “How much money is enough? “ to lead a life of Living is indeed a very tough question …Is it not? What is enough for one individual may not be enough for another …To help answer this question of fulfillment, Vicki Robin provides an interesting analogy between personal finance and dieting.

For the starters, Diet simply is not the solution for weight loss… what !!! If Diet is not the cure , then what is ?...Being conscious of what you eat is the cure…so instead of dieting , the experts recommend the following:
1)      Eat when you’re hungry
2)      Eat exactly what your body wants
3)      Eat each bit consciously
4)      Stop when your body has had enough

Sounds Simple…is it not? It is all about being conscious and mindful !

Looking at the dieting  analogy and applying it for personal finance , the equivalent steps can be:
1)      Spend to satisfy you needs
2)      Okay..Okay…And then you are allowed some luxury in your life…spend a bit on your wants
3)      Spend each rupee/dollar/pound consciously…(remember Life Energy = how much hours of your life you have traded for to buy this item)
4)      Spend only “Enough”
a.       Did I receive fulfillment, satisfaction and value in proportion to the life energy spent?
b.      Is this expenditure of life energy in alignment with my values and life purpose?
c.       How might this expenditure change if I didn’t have to work for a living?

In the Post-2  we saw the tool to track every expense that looked something like this :

Total Rupees/Dollars
Hours of Life energy
Eating out
Vehicle expenses
                                                       *Hour of Life energy = Expense in Rupees or Dollars
                                                                             Actual  Hourly rate (Rupees or Dollars)

This should be a pretty simple exercise , as long as you have recorded the daily expenses….
Now comes the clincher of the book…answering “how much is enough?” … 3 columns have been added to the above table, namely, Fulfillment-Alignment & After Financial Independence (no need to work for a living !!!) …In these last three columns , put a ‘O ‘for being neutral in each cell against each expense , put a ‘+’ if expense provides alignment/fulfillment, put a  ‘-‘  if the expense is a bit of a pull-down on you.

Total Rupees/Dollars
Hours of Life energy
After FI : ( If I don’t work for a living, How will this expense change)



Eating out


Vehicle expenses

The above monthly with information recorded now is not a mere financial statement … it is more of an awareness tool . The point is then to realize your where “-“s  are, and  how to adjust your spending until you have Os and +s in all your columns…Remember the diet analogy…being conscious is what helps the body weight loss … not the dieting. Above chart provides you that consciousness on personal finance…

In the next post, we will see further tools to track the  progress you would make with the YMYL approach…


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