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Trick your mind!

Dave Ramsey , personal finance guru knows it better about Debts than most of us all…Dave has personally helped thousands of people come out of the financial abyss, through his Books, Seminars, TV shows and Radio talks

One of his controversial technique is the “debt snowball plan”…a plan to get people out of the debt. The traditional and common-sense approach to debt elimination is ….if you are faced with a mountain of debts , rank them in priority of the interest rates or the quantum of loans… and then proceed to close them off in that order from the Top. This is the analytically unquestionable  way to resolve debts. The problem though is works only on paper…When the rubber hits the road , most people fall by wayside to the common-sense approach of getting rid of debts..why?  If you do it by the "biggest debt first" approach, it gets way too long to see the debt cleared…and Oh Boy..Man cannot wait for that….Don’t get me wrong…Man is anything but rational because Common sense is anything but common….
Dave Ramsey calls debt clearance as  20% head knowledge and 80% behavior!…so he lays the following debt clearance plan out: “List your debts in order with the smallest payoff or balance first. Do not be concerned with interest rates or terms unless two debts have similar payoffs, then list the higher interest rate debt first. The principle is to stop everything except minimum payments and focus on one thing at a time..Paying the little debts off first gives you quick feedback, and you are more likely to stay with the plan.”

According to Ramsey, “You need quick wins to stay pumped up enough…When you start knocking off those easy debts , you will start to see results and you will start to win in debt reduction” .

 So do you understand the trick that is at play here? …Anytime you think of a change to be done, be it your physical exercise routine or a new diet routine or learning a new language :
1)      Start Small & Gain a quick win
2)      Increment small 
3)      Stay in the game without a break to above two routines

You are going to see through the Change ! You are going to sail through it without Pain! 
Trick is to trick the brain…with quick wins to stay long enough in the game!


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